How can we help you

The number of staff does not increase along with the development of the company

Your company develops but this development is hindered by limited human resources available on the market? We will help you by precisely determining the number of staff and required skillset meeting your demands. You should focus on your business while we provide you with staff base.

To solve the problem, we use outsourcing, temporary employment and permanent recruitment.

Your business develops but the number of staff
does not increase

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i twoja firma dynamicznie się rozwija

Without Laxo WorkWith Laxo Work

How can we help you

Competition and rising labour costs contribute to the reduction of workforce

Fierce competition, trying to recruit employees from your company, as well as constantly rising labour costs make it impossible to maintain permanent staff. We can help you by providing any required number of employees, even on the most difficult and most competitive markets. Using a considerable database of candidates and unlimited resources of employees from abroad, we are able to create a team that will allow your company to operate efficiently.

You must reduce the number of staff


Pojawia się laxo i twoja firma nadal

Without Laxo WorkWith Laxo Work

How can we help you

Temporary increase in the workload with a constant number of staff

With our help, you do not have to worry about launching a new initiative at the company or participating in a short, seasonal project. We will provide you with personnel adapted to your needs that will contribute to the efficient implementation of new ideas. With us, your company will become more flexible and will be able to react even faster to any changes occurring on your business market. To solve the problem, we use outsourcing and temporary employment.

Your business experiences a temporary increase in workload
and you haven’t got enough staff

Pojawia się laxo i możesz sprostać wyzwaniu


Without Laxo WorkWith Laxo Work

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